Transporting the garden cellar Garden Secret 4you®
Does Garden Secret 4you® delivery take place at a specific time?
We inform customers of the specific date on which the cellar is scheduled to be shipped. We are trying to determine if these will be morning or afternoon hours. The driver, on the other hand, often travels long distances and there may be unexpected difficulties along the way – making it impossible to know the exact time of arrival. Our driver will contact you approximately one hour prior to the scheduled arrival. This is important so that you can inform the crane company to come to the site.
How long does it take to unload?
A crane company needs an average of 2 hours to unload, provided there are no impediments such as:
- difficult terrain,
- complicated position of the excavation site in relation to the crane position
Will my cellar arrive separately or in bulk shipping?
By default, when ordering transport from us, the customer pays for the delivery of the purchased cellar – with no choice of transport method. If the order does not exceed the allowable shipping weight, it may be combined in transportation with another customer’s order. There is of course the possibility of ordering individual transport, the price of which we agree with the customer.
Is it possible to pick up the order in person?
Yes, you can pick up your cellar in person at our company’s headquarters – of course, provided that you have the appropriate means of transportation to accommodate its weight and size. We mean a large enough car or trailer and transport straps. The cargo area must be completely flat. The dimensions of the vehicle including the cellar must comply with the highway code – it is worth checking these provisions in the countries through which the product will be transported.